Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 19-Something you miss

I miss institute.  Yea, I know its still there, but I miss the whole institute life.  I miss the carefree life.  The life were every minute was engaged in the Gospel and nothing else mattered.  Those days were some of my favorite days.   We had something really good.  I was always happy.  I gained a true love for the scriptures.  I loved every day.

I miss my friend Amber.  Shes my hero.  I love her and it makes me sad that I only get to see her every 3-6 months.  When I am with her life is so much easier.  One day when were both grown up, we will live near to each other...hopefully.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what is this blog? I miss being in Corpus...pros and cons of course Br. King rocks! Care free...I haven't had that for a long time. I will never again since I have kids and I am always worried about them. even when they move away it won't get any better I hear. I hope all is going swell. We love you and your hubby!
