Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 7-Favorite movies

ohh how many to list!! I am not a big movie buff, nor do I like going to the movies, but when I see a movie and like it... I LOVE IT. And I will watch it over and over and over again. :)  I dont have a type of movie I love, but here are some I could watch over and over again. :)

1.  Someone like you.  Best Movie EVER!!!
2. Yes I have a crush on Will Smith....  
3. Footloose is a classic and I love it... makes me wanna dance!
4. I love Sports movies that have sappy endings... Remember the Titans is a fav! 


  1. Wow I'm really surprised not to see "The Patriot" on your list.

  2. Will Smith isn't first??? Did you forget the shower scene?
